Elearning Content Development

We know that each organization possesses a unique identity and strategic intent for educating its target audiences. Explore the fundamental elearning content development services we offer for your benefit.

Interactive Learning

Interactive learning serves to provide learners with a structured display of educational material, incorporating interactive elements to effectively involve them in their learning journey. 

The Nature of Interactive Courses

We create elearning courses that engage learners through interactive elearning activities, encouraging active participation and knowledge retention. With the help of learning management systems and authoring tools like Articulate Storyline 360 and Adobe Captivate, we can create dynamic online training courses that feature audio, video, text, graphics, or infographics, interactions with the course material, such as clicking on interactive elements or dragging them, adding question pools for assessments.

Moreover, we go beyond “clicking” interactivity and equip our solutions with expert top-notch content, and meaningful feedback. Such courses are easily accessible, allowing learners to acquire knowledge at their convenience.

Key Features

Consist of the slides/screens with a clear navigation
Have a wide range of customization options
Encompass a large selection of the interactive elements
Integrate diverse multimedia for immersive experiences

Key Features

Slide-based Interactive Courses

Mobile Learning

Mobile learning ensures that learners enjoy a seamless elearning experience via their mobile devices. Our mobile learning solutions empower learners to conveniently access educational materials in flexible and convenient modes.

The Nature of Mobile Learning

We design mobile learning (mlearning) training that seamlessly adapts to various screen sizes, ensuring a user-friendly experience across multiple devices. In addition to interactive courses and responsive videos, we embrace another lovemark approach of teaching through podcasts, providing meaningful audio experiences. With the integration of mobile learning and responsive design, learners can actively engage with interactive elements, participate in assessments, and access solutions to enhance their skills.

Our instructional designers widely employ a gradual acquisition strategy, facilitating the development of new mental models within a feasible timeframe. This approach promotes the effective assimilation of knowledge and skill-building.

Key Features

Interactive Online Courses
Short Videos

Key Features

Mobile learning courses developed using authoring tools like Rise 360 have a visual similarity to websites, allowing them to utilize responsive design's scrolling capability
Responsive interactive courses adapt seamlessly to screens of all sizes
Mobile learning empowers learners to independently manage their study time and the frequency of engagement
All mobile training is designed with a microlearning approach, providing timely and focused knowledge on specific topics for solid understanding

Scenario Based Learning

Scenario based learning offers learners realistic situations and decision points to enhance their skills and knowledge. It aids in training audiences within simulated environments, be it work-related situations or other aspects of life.

The Nature of Scenario Based Learning

The scenario approach yields tangible benefits for both children and adults. By immersing learners in lifelike situations, they cultivate crucial skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and empathy. Scenario based learning also nurtures analytical and evaluative abilities. Its practical orientation encourages active engagement with the subject matter, making it an excellent solution for cultivating hard skills as well.

Learners learn how to act in particular circumstances and how their actions can lead to concrete consequences. This action-consequence formula helps promote specific behavioral patterns that can be adapted in real-life situations.

Key Features

Facilitates the integration and development of learners' skills and abilities, while simulating real-life contexts for their application
Generates a higher level of involvement from learners
Provides a positive motivational factor for learning
Cultivates the ability to discover the most rational solutions to posed problems

Key Features

Stand-alone Cases
Linear Scenarios
Branching Scenarios

Animated Explainer Videos

Animated explainer videos are a blend of educational content and entertainment through animation. Being animation-driven, this format enriches the learning process with realistic visuals and emotional connections.

The Nature of Animated Explainer Videos

Animated explainer videos deliver complex concepts and ideas in a visually appealing and accessible manner. They are short and concise to be used for specific knowledge transfer, including process explanations, educational stories, and conceptual animation to inspire learners with engaging content.

We specialize in producing animated explainer videos, ranging from 3 to 5 minutes in duration, wherein each animated segment centers on a specific learning objective.

Key Features

2D Animated Explainers
3D Animated Explainers

Key Features

Ensure captivating visuals that effectively communicate educational content
Offer a broad array of animation styles, encompassing motion graphics animation, live-action explainer videos, and whiteboard animation
Resemble cartoons, complete with plots, storytelling, characters, and sound
Facilitate the enhancement of the emotional aspect of learning, significantly stimulating cognitive activity

Educational Video Production

Elearning training can take various forms, such as compelling recorded videos that demonstrate processes, best practices, and real-life examples. These videos enhance the comprehension of learning content by engaging multiple sensory channels for perception.

The Nature of Educational Video Production

Video training offers visual demonstrations, expert insights, and practical knowledge to boost learners' comprehension and retention. Through the integration of concise videos, we ensure active learner engagement and provide performance support within lifelike scenarios.

At Technomatix, we offer comprehensive video production services that encompass all stages, from initial pre-production to the final post-production phase.

Key Features

Foster profound understanding and encourage reflection on acquired knowledge
Enhance attention to details through a purposeful script and engaging narration
Interactive videos with a "choose-your-own-adventure" approach enable learners to engage with the content during viewing by making choices in interactive exercises and quizzes at specific frames
Available as standalone learning material or seamlessly integrated into another learning content type

Key Features

Talking Head Lectures
Scenario Videos
Demonstration or How-to Videos
Overview videos

Game Based Learning

Game based learning evokes an immersive and enjoyable learning experience through a gamification approach. Our gamified solutions serve to teach, not to purely entertain, and that is what makes them effective.

The Nature of Game Based Learning

When considering game based learning, we always align it with the learning objectives and identify the specific skills needed to be developed within the target audience. A thorough analysis of the project's intent helps us realize the gamified logic and techniques required for enhanced retention.

By integrating gamification elements for motivation, achievements, engagement, and immersion, we can foster active participation and sustain learners' interest in the learning process.

Key Features

Game-like Courses
Educational Games
Online Quests

Key Features

Mobile learning courses developed using authoring tools like Rise 360 have a visual similarity to websites, allowing them to utilize responsive design's scrolling capability
Responsive interactive courses adapt seamlessly to screens of all sizes
Mobile learning empowers learners to independently manage their study time and the frequency of engagement
All mobile training is designed with a microlearning approach, providing timely and focused knowledge on specific topics for solid understanding


Could You Provide Guidance in Selecting the Most Suitable Elearning Content Type for Training My Target Audience? 

Could You Provide Guidance in Selecting the Most Suitable Elearning Content Type for Training My Target Audience? 


Can You Implement a Learning Management System to Host the Tailored Elearning Content?

Can You Implement a Learning Management System to Host the Tailored Elearning Content?


How Long Does Elearning Course Development Process Last?

How Long Does Elearning Course Development Process Last?


Which Specialists Are Involved in Creating Elearning Content?

Which Specialists Are Involved in Creating Elearning Content?


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Do You Have Any Remaining Inquiries about Our Elearning Services? 


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